November is here! The clocks have gone back, the temperatures are plunging, and the days are getting ever shorter (and depressingly darker). As we head into retail’s golden quarter and the all-important festive season, it is essential as ever to obtain valuable press coverage for your brand. Our PR & Communications Trainee, George, is here with all the events and opportunities to pitch for the month ahead and beyond.


November 11th – Remembrance Day
November 16th – Road Safety Week
November 18th – Social Enterprise Day
November 19th – International Mens Day
November 25th – White Ribbon Day
November 26th – Black Friday


There are a plethora of key dates coming up in November that may provide a great pitch for your brand. Of course, one of the biggest retail events this month is Black Friday on November 26th. Although many outlets publish their sale guides in advance, there will undoubtedly be some journalists who will still be drafting Black Friday related pieces last minute. As always, keep your eyes on the constantly shifting #journorequest conversation on Twitter for the very freshest and most reactive ops.

On the heels of COP26, a growing number of businesses are also choosing to opt out of the consumerist holiday, in favour of more reductionist and altruistic efforts. The media has dubbed the sustainable trend as ‘Green Friday’, so if your brand is doing something similar then make sure to shout about it!

On a related note, Social Enterprise Day on November 18th provides a platform for social enterprises to tell their stories and differentiate themselves from traditional businesses. The social enterprise business model is undoubtedly on
the rise, and I predict there may be more press coverage than ever on the annual campaign this year. If you’re a social enterprise with a compelling story to tell, then utilise this global event in your pitches.


Understanding the difference between long and short lead media and how to pitch accordingly is a topic we’ve already covered on EV. Insight: but to keep it short and sweet, the key to differentiating between the two is in the name!

Traditionally, ‘Short Lead’ has a turnaround of about 4-8 weeks from pitching, editing and publishing whereas ‘Long Lead’ follows a much longer timescale of anywhere from 3 – 6 months. However, largely due to the impact of the pandemic, there has definitely been an increase in the number of short-lead and last-minute opportunities available. So, if you want the best chance of success, it pays to get everything in order ahead of time!


Our short-lead recommendation this month is the new year! Yes, 2022 is just around the corner and January could present the perfect opportunity to pitch for your brand. It’s no secret that gym memberships and sales for health products surge at the start of the year, as optimistic consumers make their personal resolutions.

If you’re a health, wellness or fitness brand then be sure to capitalise on this! Publications are likely to do overview and guide-style pieces for fitness products and services in January, so make sure you’re pitching for a place.

Examples of Short-Lead Forward Features:

i Newspaper‘One Minute with…’ – Interview: Short interview profile with an author answering a set of questions (Leadtime: 1 month)
Time Out London‘Things to do’ – Multiple page spread on different key events happening in London over the coming week. (Leadtime: 2 weeks)
Mail on Sunday‘Gadget of the week’: A tech columnist reviews a different gadget product every week (Leadtime: Weekly)


Looking further ahead, our long-read recommendation for November is Mother’s Day (27th March). Press coverage for Mothering Sunday will obviously largely consist of roundups of fun places and activities to go on the day. If your service or venue is relevant or is hosting a specialist Mother’s Day event, then make sure to pitch! Companies That Care Day is also taking place in March on Thursday 18th, providing the perfect opportunity to focus internally on your employees and their wellbeing. Have you established concrete principles to make yourself a socially responsible employer? Do you put employee wellbeing before profit? If so, then this is a wonderful excuse to let the world know! Try to establish a niche and unique angle for your pitch, whether it’s an innovative employee perk that you exclusively offer or flexibility with working or flexibility with working days (the 4-day working week is very much a current hot topic). Finding a clear story that is overtly newsworthy can be vital for garnering traction with the press.

Examples of Long-Lead Forward Features:

Ideal Home‘Mood of the Moment’– Product pages: Two-page feature of new home products centred on a particular room theme (Leadtime: 6 months in advance)
GQ – ‘Dresser’– Product page: A single page fashion spread with clothing products centred on a specific trend (Leadtime: 3 months in advance)
Cosmopolitan – ‘Beauty Buzz’– Product page: A single page featuring a pick of the latest beauty products (Leadtime: 4 months in advance)

Well, that’s a wrap on November… head on over to @eastvillagepr and make sure you let us know how you get on. Plus, don’t forget to check out Pocket Sized PR: it’s full of *free* downloads, resources and advice that are perfect for any start-up or SME.

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