You’re about to spend nine months of your life cooking a human being, – nine long months of sacrificing everything was once yours (that includes your perky boobs, ladies…), waving goodbye to washboard abs and seeing the flat become curvy and the curvy become flat. Of course, this incredible task of growing another life, a whole brand new person, is going to leave some battle scars. If you have hang-ups about what pregnancy will do to your body, you’re definitely not alone. Remember ladies: this isn’t a permanent thing; you’re growing a human life, and that doesn’t come without a little cost. Give yourself permission to feel both the joy and the frustration of having your body change in so many ways. Next, use these tips that have helped me to accept my all new #mombod, learn to love my stretch marks and be comfortable in my own skin.
Give yourself a break
Take your middle finger, and stick it firmly up to all the #pregnancygoals posts on your feed. If you can bring yourself to look beyond the Instagram filters, before you know it you’ll be saying “Tammy Hembrow who?”. Pregnancy is hard enough without us trying to live up to an unrealistic body standard. Go easy on yourself, remember the reason why your body is changing. While you moan and pinch at your extra tire, your body is running around the clock to make sure that your baby has got the security, protection and nourishment it needs, and guess what, all of that comes from you!
There are some great benefits
Your girls are growing, your skin is glowing and you’ve got an excuse to live in tracksuit bottoms – what’s not to love? Despite the wider waist and bulging belly, there are some very prominent benefits of pregnancy that are hard to miss, so enjoy it while it lasts! Oh and not forgetting that your belly doubles as a built-in shelf.
Don’t let bump envy get the better of you!
If we are being honest, we’ve all aspired to that pregnancy ideal where the only indicator of our condition is the compact little bump effortlessly protruding underneath your clothes. The harsh reality is that a perfectly plump bump just isn’t going to happen for us all. Some of us balloon, swell and inflate, and some of us spend hours staring down at our bloated bellies wishing it to be a baby and not just the cheeseburger you had for dinner… Whether you’re wishing for bump to make its grand appearance or struggling to keep little one under wraps in even the baggiest of jumpers, it’s important to remember that bumps come in all shapes and sizes. So try not to turn green at the sight of another momma-to-be and her seemly flawless bump and embrace your own. Your body is unique, it is yours and what is better than that?
Show gratitude to your body
Your body is amazing. Despite the sickness, the overcrowded stomach (you know what I’m talking about ladies) and the lumps and bumps gained over the past few months, your body is still soldiering through. Make a habit of being thankful for the body that has so often been taken for granted. Remember that even when you switch off at night, your body is working overtime to be a comfy and safe home for your little one.
And finally, remind yourself how amazing you really are.
If you needed reminding, your body is doing something incredible – you should be impressed with yourself! Just like an Olympian, you are training your body over these nine months to perform an incredible physical feat that so give yourself credit for that! Remember that your baby doesn’t need you to be a size 8 to be a good mum…
This new uncharted pregnancy bod territory is an unknown and scary place. Yes, we know our bodies are going to change but that doesn’t stop us crying into our pillows when our favourite pair of Topshop jeans are bulging at the seams. No one can quite prepare you for the enormity of what your body (and your belly for that matter) is about to go through. Body changes are part and parcel of the whole expecting experience, but that doesn’t mean they’re always easy to get your head around. If you’re not so thrilled with what you’re seeing in the mirror, you’re aren’t in this alone- but that doesn’t mean you can’t learn how to love what you’ve got now! Don’t let your body hang-ups prevent you from feeling good about yourself, after all, there will be plenty of time to reclaim your body later!