With people already giving up on their New Year’s Resolutions, local residents are being given a helping hand by man’s best friend. Sniffy the Sniffer Dog will be appearing in locations across the borough for the next two weeks to help people gain support and advice on quitting smoking for good.
The campaign, launched by the Dudley Stop Smoking Service, offers residents and workers within the borough help and support to go smokefree. Sniffy will be appearing alongside the stop smoking team as a fun way to engage with smokers and encourage them to quit. They will be guided through the services on offer, which include one-to-one support in GP practices, pharmacies and workplace settings, as well as group support and drop-in clinics that can be accessed in community venues across the borough. The service also offers intensive one-to-one support for pregnant women, their partners and family, as well as drop-in sessions at schools and colleges.
With smoking being one of the main New Year’s Resolutions, the Dudley Stop Smoking Service is taking its message out onto the streets of the borough to encourage people to seek the support that will really help them keep their resolution way beyond the first few months of the year. Sniffy and the team will be at the following locations from 10.30am-2.30pm:
- Thursday 16 January Cornbow Centre, Halesowen
- Friday 17 January Churchill Centre, Dudley
The service is also highlighting the shocking statistics surrounding a smoking addiction, including that for every fifteen cigarettes smoked, a mutation takes place in the body that has a high risk of developing into cancer. With over 50 years of research into the health implications of smoking, they are hoping that this campaign encourages people to access their free services and receive a Smokefree Toolkit, which is packed full of resources to give smokers the best chance of quitting.
Ruth Olding, Tobacco Control Programme Manager, Office of Public Health, said:
“Quitting isn’t always a ‘walk in the park’ but research shows that with ongoing support smokers can go smokefree and that’s what the Dudley Stop Smoking Service offers.
“We introduced Sniffy as a fun way to take our message onto the streets of the borough. Our first trial days in Dudley and Stourbridge (Thursday 9 and Friday 10 January) were a great success and we managed to sign up lots of people that have made a New Year’s Resolution and want to stick to it. We’re hoping that Sniffy’s next two visits share the same success and we move a step closer to creating a smokefree Dudley.”
Councillor Turner, Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing said:
“The Dudley Stop Smoking Service gives smokers all the support they need when they’re ready to quit. It’s staffed with experts who help smokers understand why they smoke and create a plan to help them go smokefree. In fact, one in two people who quit with the Dudley Stop Smoking Service aren’t smoking four weeks later.”
Anyone who wants help and advice to stop smoking should contact the Dudley Stop Smoking Service on 0800 0850 652, text CAN to 80800 visit www.dudleystopsmoking.co.uk or facebook.com/DudleyStopSmoking