For the green-fingered, eco conscious among us!

There is nothing more satisfying than cultivating your own crops.  Pasante, one of the UK’s largest condom and sexual health companies, has developed the first Grow Your Own Organic Condom, a home kit for propagating your own crop of organic rubbers!

The Grow Your Own Organic Condom kit comes with everything you need to grow a yield of organic condoms including compost, growth aid fertiliser and the all-important Condomelis minor seeds.  The Condomelis minor plant takes only a few months to grow to its full size and can produce up to 60 vibrant yellow condoms in a year… that’s five a month; plenty to keep you in constant supply of the safest sexual health product available. If you require more, all you have to do is plant more Grow Your Own Organic Condom plants.

Not only does the Condomelis minor plant grow organic condoms, the beautiful plant produce a bulbous orange nectar pod, which can be used as a truly organic, organismic lubricant.

The Organic Condoms grow to a standard size similar to the Pasante Regular range. Need some more length or girth? Leave the condoms on the plant for an extra week per 5mm growth required.

The Grow Your Own Organic Condom is available now at all major Garden Centres, so grow yours today!




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