Castle Fine Art has unveiled its new collection comprised of rare animation cels from the studio of Hanna-Barbera. The iconic compilation includes original pieces, which were first released in the 90’s and early 00’s, but have never been available to buy until now.
These exceptional, hand-painted animations are the creations of William Hanna, Joseph Barbara, Bob Singer and Iwao Takamoto, all of which were creators and designers of some of the most iconic comics and cartoons. All of the pieces within the collection come with a certificate and are each hand signed – the majority by Hanna and Barbara themselves.
Most known for its characters found on Cartoon Network and Warner Bros., the Hanna-Barbara collection features characters from all-time favourites such as Tom and Jerry, The Flintstones, Top Cat and Scooby-Doo, bringing some of the world’s favourite on-screen characters to life in art form.
These nostalgic pieces are comprised of hand-painted animation cels on printed backgrounds, with a smaller number of sericels on printed backgrounds also available.
Ian Weatherby-Blythe, Group Managing Director at Castle Fine Art, said:
“Animation has been a popular form of art for many years, and there is no doubt that Hanna-Barbera led the way in the field, after producing some of the most iconic characters that are still so loved today. We are so pleased to be offering these exclusive pieces across our galleries. The collection is uplifting and playful, and I have no doubt it will bring great joy to many, as it features some of the most favourite faces from childhood memories.
“We are extremely excited about this collection, as it features rare pieces which have never been available to purchase, until now. These hand-signed pieces all hold a little piece of history, with some of the characters even dating back to 1940, and I’m certain they will appeal to art collectors and cartoon fans of all ages.”
The animated collection is available to purchase from the Castle Fine Art website and on display in galleries across the UK.
To find out more about Hanna-Barbera and to view the collection, visit