EV. Loves… Birmingham’s Women’s Charities!

Here at EAST VILLAGE. we pride ourselves on being a kick-ass team of smart, driven women who are all doing our bit to contribute to Birmingham. Whilst the last 100 years has seen exponential progression for women’s rights, it’s no lie that there’s still quite a way to go, particularly for many women of colour, working class women, LGBTQ women, and many more underprivileged groups. It is an age-old notion that equality does not come solely from the passing of laws, but the changing of societal opinions and systems that exist to disadvantage marginalised groups. With this in mind, we’re focusing on some of the brilliant Birmingham-based charities that are going above and beyond for women, doing their bit to pave the way for change.




First set up in summer of 2016, Smart Works has gone above and beyond in its first year and a half in order to help underprivileged women get back into the world of work. In practice, this involves helping the women with one-to-one interview preparation via highly skilled, fully trained volunteers. Alongside this, the charity helps to style the women with an outfit that is theirs to keep, so that they can feel confident and ready to smash their job interviews. If each woman who is referred to Smart Works leaves feeling confident, and with a little more faith in herself than she may have had before, then that’s considered a success in itself. Smart Works also recently received a £2,000 grant from Birmingham’s well-loved charity, LoveBrum, which will allow Smart Works to continue to thrive, and with it, let women in our city thrive.

Click here to find out more about Smart Works.


This charity takes its name from the Aramaic word meaning the poorest, the outcast, the persecuted, and essentially those with no voice. However, the charity goes above and beyond to turn this around, providing services to women, especially those vulnerable to exploitation and prostitution, and their children. The charity’s work also extends far beyond their base in Balsall Heath, providing everything from financial advice and counselling, to advice for incarcerated women in the lead up to their release, to community and even street outreach, making sure to offer support to the most vulnerable women. Proving that no feat is too great, the inspirational Anawim volunteers work tirelessly across a multitude of sectors to help women who might not receive aid otherwise.

Click here to find out more about Anawim.



 It’s adorned the signs of Women’s March protesters time and time again: “If your feminism isn’t intersectional, it’s not feminism” along with “support your sisters, not just your cis-ters” (referring to the inclusion of transgender women in feminism, rather than just cisgender women.) That’s why the work that Birmingham LGBT does for people who identify as LGBTQ is integral to ensuring that Birmingham, and in turn, society in general, is supportive of all women and non-binary people, including those of minority gender expression and sexuality. The centre covers all aspects of support for LGBTQ people, from sexual health services, to counselling; support for LGBT asylum seekers and even provision of resources for schools.

Click here to find out more about Birmingham LGBT centre.




Roshni provides support for women who are the victims of crimes that might often be overlooked here in Birmingham, providing support for South Asian women and their children who have suffered from domestic violence, forced marriage or honour based crimes.  The charity provides safe accommodation (in a confidential location) for women and children who are fleeing situations where they are victims of these crimes. Following a period of, usually, six months, Roshni then helps these women to find more permanent accommodation.

Click here to find out more about Roshni.


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